Frequently Asked Questions in Lake in the Hills

Find out the answers Lake in the Hills chiropractors frequently give to patients seeking to learn more about chiropractic care at their office. Learning more about chiropractic and its benefits can help you find the best chiropractor for you. If you have a question you don't see answered below, reach out to your team at Precise Chiropractic Center at (847) 669-6888.

What is the science behind chiropractic care and how can it optimize your overall health and well-being?

The science behind chiropractic care centers on the relationship between the spine, nervous system, and overall health. When the spine is misaligned, it can disrupt nerve signals, affecting various bodily processes. Through manual adjustments, chiropractors aim to correct these misalignments, restoring proper joint and nerve function. This can lead to pain reduction, improved mobility, and enhanced overall health.

As the leading provider of chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills, IL, Precise Chiropractic Center offers cutting-edge chiropractic solutions to help you achieve optimal health and well-being. Beyond pain relief and increased mobility, our goal is to unlock your body's innate potential for healing and vitality. Precise Chiropractic Center is committed to elevating your health, supporting a better quality of life through evidence-based chiropractic treatments.

Is chiropractic care safe for young children and pregnant women?

Chiropractic care is safe for young children and pregnant women. Pediatric chiropractors use gentle, non-invasive techniques tailored to children's unique needs. Pregnant women can also find relief through chiropractic care, as it may help manage pregnancy-related discomfort. However, it's crucial to choose a qualified and experienced chiropractor who specializes in pediatric or prenatal care to ensure the highest level of safety and effectiveness.

If you are searching for quality pediatric or pregnancy chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills, IL, Precise Chiropractic Center is the perfect choice. Our team of dedicated and highly-trained chiropractors ensures that children receive gentle, age-appropriate adjustments, and expectant mothers receive the specialized care they need to support their well-being during pregnancy.

Is chiropractic care only for back and neck pain?

No, chiropractic care can be effective for various musculoskeletal issues throughout the body. While it's commonly associated with back and neck pain, chiropractors can address problems in the extremities, joints, and soft tissues.

At Precise Chiropractic Center, we specialize in providing comprehensive chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills, IL that goes beyond just back and neck pain. From headaches and joint discomfort to sports injuries and pregnancy-related issues, our certified and experienced chiropractic team at Precise Chiropractic Center offers a variety of treatment options that cater to a diverse range of conditions.

Is chiropractic care an effective treatment option for asthma?

While not a direct treatment for asthma, many asthma sufferers report symptom relief following chiropractic adjustments. The theory is that since chiropractic care focuses on the spine and nervous system, addressing spinal misalignments could potentially enhance respiratory nerve function. These adjustments may alleviate certain triggers or exacerbating factors related to asthma. If you are considering chiropractic care in conjunction with traditional asthma treatments, engage in open communication with both your chiropractor and primary health care provider. This collaborative approach ensures that you receive comprehensive care tailored to your specific needs.

Precise Chiropractic Center is one of the leading providers of chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills, IL that has consistently demonstrated a commitment to patient-centered care. We can help assess your condition, provide tailored chiropractic adjustments, and work in tandem with your healthcare team to optimize your overall health.

What type of disc injuries can chiropractic care help address?

Chiropractic care is often sought to address various disc-related issues in the spine. Among the most common disc injuries that can benefit from chiropractic treatments are herniated or bulging discs. These occur when the soft inner gel of the disc protrudes through the tougher, outer layer, potentially causing pressure on adjacent nerves. Chiropractors employ spinal adjustments, decompression techniques, and therapeutic exercises to alleviate pain, reduce inflammation, and promote optimal alignment.

At Precise Chiropractic Center, our chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills, IL, is tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient. With our state-of-the-art equipment and a team of experienced professionals, we focus on providing holistic, non-invasive treatments to alleviate disc-related pain and discomfort. Our approach at Precise Chiropractic Center goes beyond just immediate relief; we aim to address the root cause of the issue, ensuring long-term health and well-being.

How can I tell if my posture needs to be corrected?

Your posture can be affected by various factors, from old injuries to muscular imbalances. One easy way to assess your posture is to look in the mirror. Do you notice if your head or shoulders are rolled forward? Are your shoulders uneven, with one appearing higher than the other? Does your chin jut out when you stand up straight? These are all indicators that your posture may need correcting. Poor posture may also cause issues such as chronic back pain, muscle tension, and limited mobility. At Precise Chiropractic Center, we provide posture correction in Lake in the Hills, IL, to help our patients regain their optimal health. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you correct your posture.

Can chiropractic treatment be used to treat headaches?

Yes, chiropractic care can be used to address headaches. Spinal misalignments, or subluxations, can cause tension in the muscles of the neck and shoulders that may lead to headache pain. A chiropractor will use gentle manipulations of the spine to help reduce this tension and alleviate headache pain. Other therapies such as massage, stretching, and corrective exercises may also be used to address the issues causing the headaches. We provide effective chiropractic treatment for headaches in Lake in the Hills, IL. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

Are there any risks associated with chiropractic treatment for sciatica?

Chiropractic treatments for sciatica are generally considered safe and effective, but as with any medical intervention, there can be risks. Most of these risks are minor and may include soreness or stiffness in the treated areas, as well as headaches or fatigue after the treatment. If you have any concerns about potential risks, we recommend talking to your chiropractor beforehand. At Precise Chiropractic Center, we always strive to ensure that our treatments are safe and effective. Contact us today to learn more about our chiropractic treatment for sciatica in Lake in the Hills, IL.

What are the benefits of chiropractic treatment for herniated discs?

Chiropractic treatment can be an effective way to manage the pain and discomfort associated with herniated discs. It may help to reduce inflammation and loosen the tight muscles that often accompany herniated discs. Manipulating the spine can also help decrease nerve irritation and improve nerve function, leading to decreased pain and improved mobility. Our chiropractic treatment for herniated discs in Lake in the Hills, IL, has helped many patients manage their symptoms and improve their quality of life. Contact us today to learn more about our chiropractic treatments for herniated discs.

What is spinal decompression therapy?

Spinal decompression therapy is a non-invasive treatment for very difficult spinal disc problems, such as herniated or bulging discs, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, and other chronic back pain issues. It involves the use of a specialized table that applies gentle decompressive forces to the spine in order to relieve pressure on the nerves and discs. This may help to reduce pain and improve mobility. Precise Chiropractic Center provides spinal decompression therapy in Lake in the Hills, IL, to help patients where other treatments have failed. Contact us today for more information about this innovative treatment.

When should I see a chiropractor for neck pain?

If your neck pain is persistent and does not improve with rest, over-the-counter medications, or home remedies, you may want to consult a chiropractor. A chiropractor can assess the source of your pain and provide specialized treatments such as spinal adjustments and therapeutic exercises that may help reduce pain and improve mobility in the neck. For chiropractic treatment for neck pain in Lake in the Hills, IL, feel free to reach out to Precise Chiropractic Center. Our team of experienced chiropractors is here to help.

What are some common causes of back pain?

Several different factors, including poor posture, muscle strains, sprains, osteoarthritis, disc issues such as herniated discs or degenerative disc disease, and injuries from accidents, can cause back pain. If you are experiencing back pain that does not improve with rest or medications, consulting with a chiropractor is a good idea. Chiropractors can help identify the source of back pain and provide treatments to address the underlying problem. For back pain relief in Lake in the Hills, IL, book an appointment with Precise Chiropractic Center today. Our knowledgeable staff is ready to assist you.

At what age should children start seeing a chiropractor?

Children can begin visiting a chiropractor from a very early age. Even children as young as newborns may benefit from gentle, low-force adjustments to help keep their musculoskeletal systems in balance and improve overall health. For pediatric chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills, IL, contact Precise Chiropractic Center. Our experienced team is here to provide your child with safe and effective treatments.

What is the difference between a chiropractor and a physical therapist?

While both use manual techniques to treat musculoskeletal conditions, chiropractors specialize in spinal adjustments while physical therapists focus on rehabilitative exercises and stretches. Chiropractors may also utilize other treatments, such as corrective exercise programs and lifestyle advice, to help improve their patient’s overall health and well-being. To learn more about chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills, IL, contact Precise Chiropractic Center.

How can a chiropractor help with scoliosis?

A chiropractor can identify the source of scoliotic curvature and provide treatment to address the severity of the curve. This involves gentle spinal adjustments and therapeutic exercises tailored to your specific needs. Chiropractic care for scoliosis may help improve spinal alignment, reduce pain, and improve overall well-being.

How is Gonstead Chiropractor Different from other Chiropractors?

Gonstead chiropractic is a specific and detailed approach to the evaluation, diagnosis, and treatment of the spine. It's a hands-on technique that may include various manual adjustments, mobilization techniques, and exercises designed to address misalignments in the vertebrae, muscles, ligaments, nerves, or other tissues. Our Gonstead Chiropractor in Lake in the Hills, IL takes pride in providing individualized and comprehensive treatment to help improve patient comfort, posture, and joint alignment.

How does posture correction help with pain relief?

Poor posture can contribute to neck and back pain, headaches, muscle fatigue, and other conditions. We offer posture correction in Lake in the Hills, IL, which helps to address spinal misalignments by focusing on strengthening and stretching muscles that are atrophied or tight due to bad posture. Proper postural alignment may help reduce tension on the spine and improve overall comfort levels. While results may vary, posture correction may help improve flexibility and balance, as well as reduce pain.

Can chiropractic care improve athletic performance?

Chiropractic care may be beneficial for athletes as it can help improve posture, flexibility, balance, and strength. Chiropractic adjustments may reduce pain and inflammation and help to improve nerve functioning. Chiropractic care may also complement an existing training program by helping the body heal more quickly from minor injuries that occur during sports activities or strenuous workout routines. While results may vary, chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills, IL may help athletes achieve better performance and reduce their risk of injury.

What are the benefits of prenatal chiropractic care?

Pregnancy chiropractic care may help reduce common discomforts associated with pregnancy, such as back pain, hip pain, and sciatica. It may also help to improve the alignment of the spine and pelvis and promote a healthier delivery for both mother and child. Additionally, pregnancy chiropractic care may help to reduce pregnancy-related headaches and improve overall comfort levels. Pregnancy Chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills, IL may provide expectant mothers with a safe and natural method of pain relief that addresses the root cause of their pregnancy discomforts.

What are the benefits of Class IV Laser Therapy?

Class IV Laser Therapy uses specific wavelengths of light to promote a natural healing response within the body, which may include decreased pain and inflammation, improved circulation, and accelerated tissue repair. Moreover, class IV laser therapy may help to reduce nerve pain and improve mobility. At Precise Chiropractic, our class IV laser therapy in Lake in the Hills, IL is non-invasive and has virtually no side effects.

Does back pain get worse with age?

Back pain can occur at any age, and the severity of symptoms may increase over time. Poor posture, incorrect lifting techniques, weakened muscles resulting from a sedentary lifestyle, and other factors can contribute to back pain in both younger and older adults. To help prevent or reduce back pain caused by these issues, it is important to stay active with regular exercise and maintain correct posture when sitting or standing. If you are seeking back pain relief in Lake in the Hills, IL, book an appointment with Precise Chiropractic Center today. Whether you are young or older, our experienced chiropractors can help you develop an individualized treatment plan to address your pain.

What are the benefits of chiropractic care for knee pain?

Chiropractic care is an effective way to address knee pain caused by the misalignment of the joints and muscles. Chiropractors can help identify the root cause of your knee pain and provide specialized treatments that may help reduce pain, improve mobility and flexibility, and even avoid the need for pain medications. For chiropractic care for knee pain in Lake in the Hills, IL, contact Precise Chiropractic Center today. Our team of experienced chiropractors is dedicated to providing you with personalized treatments that can address your individual needs and help improve your quality of life.

How is pediatric care different from adult chiropractic care?

Pediatric chiropractic care is different from adult care due to the age and development of children. While the principles of chiropractic remain the same, treatments such as adjustments, exercises, and other therapies must be adapted to suit growing bodies. Using gentle techniques, pediatric chiropractors can help improve your child's overall health and well-being. If you notice any signs such as a limp in your child's gait, or if they are breastfeeding only from one side, then it may be time to contact a pediatric chiropractor in Lake in the Hills, IL. At Precise Chiropractic Center, our experienced team can provide personalized treatments to help your child feel their best.

What is the difference between manual and instrument-assisted chiropractic adjustments?

Manual chiropractic adjustments are more common and involve the use of gentle, low-force techniques to address misalignments in the body. Instrumental adjustments may use instruments such as activators or drop tables to deliver more force and increase precision during the treatment. Both types of adjustments can provide relief from back, neck, or joint pain but manual adjustments may be better suited for more sensitive areas, children, and older people. For chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills, IL, contact Precise Chiropractic Center today and our team can help determine which type of adjustment is best suited to your individual needs. We look forward to assisting you and helping you on your journey toward better health.

What is spinal decompression therapy?

Spinal decompression therapy is a non-surgical method of relieving the pressure on the discs and nerves in your spine. It works by gently stretching the spine to create negative pressure within the discs which may help to reduce pressure, inflammation, muscle spasms, and nerve irritation - all of which can lead to pain relief. Spinal Decompression Therapy in Lake in the Hills, IL, can help provide relief from various musculoskeletal problems, such as herniated discs, degenerative disc disease, sciatica, and more. Contact Precise Chiropractic Center today to book an appointment and learn more about how this treatment can help you.

Is poor posture only a problem for older adults?

No, poor posture can affect individuals of any age. Poor posture can result from a variety of factors, including prolonged sitting, hunching over electronic devices, and incorrect lifting techniques. Over time, poor posture can contribute to back and neck pain, decreased range of motion, and other health issues. Chiropractic care can be a helpful tool in addressing existing misalignments that may be contributing to poor posture. To learn more about how chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills, IL can help with posture correction, reach out to Precise Chiropractic Center today.

Can a sedentary lifestyle contribute to back pain?

Yes, a sedentary lifestyle can contribute to weakened muscles and an increased risk of back pain. Lack of physical activity can lead to weakened core muscles, which can result in poor posture and increased stress on the back. To help prevent or reduce back pain caused by a sedentary lifestyle, it is important to incorporate regular exercise into your routine. Even small amounts of physical activity, such as taking a walk or stretching, can help strengthen muscles and improve posture. Chiropractic care can also be a helpful tool in addressing existing misalignments that may be contributing to back pain. If you are seeking back pain relief in Lake in the Hills, IL, book an appointment with Precise Chiropractic Center today.

How does chiropractic care help with carpal tunnel syndrome?

Chiropractors can use various techniques to address the underlying causes of carpal tunnel syndrome, such as nerve compression or misaligned bones in the wrist or neck. These techniques may include spinal adjustments, soft tissue therapies, and corrective exercises. Chiropractic care can help reduce pain and inflammation, increase the range of motion, and may improve overall nerve function in the affected area. If you're suffering from carpal tunnel syndrome in Lake in the Hills, IL, book an appointment with Precise Chiropractic Center today to see how we can help.

How can chiropractic care help improve my posture?

Chiropractic care may help improve your posture by addressing spinal misalignments. Spinal misalignments, also known as subluxations, can cause your spine to curve, leading to poor posture. A chiropractor can address these misalignments and provide advice on posture correction exercises, stretches, and lifestyle changes that may help improve your posture over time. If you’re seeking posture correction in Lake in the Hills, IL, reach out to Precise Chiropractic Center today to discuss your options.

How will my chiropractic treatment plan be tailored to me?

At Precise Chiropractic Center, we understand that no two patients have the same needs, so we take a personalized approach when creating a treatment plan for each of our patients. After an initial consultation and examination, your chiropractor will create a treatment plan that is tailored to your individual needs. This may include spinal adjustments, stretches, and lifestyle changes based on your condition and goals. We strive to provide our patients with the highest quality of care and help them achieve their desired outcomes. Contact Precise Chiropractic Center today for more information about our personalized chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills, IL.

What can I expect during a regular chiropractic spinal adjustment?

Chiropractic adjustments typically involve gentle and precise techniques to restore proper alignment, promote natural healing processes, and get you feeling better. Your Lake in the Hills chiropractor will guide you throughout the session, ensuring your comfort and addressing any questions or concerns you may have. The ultimate goal is to enhance your health, relieve pain, and improve your overall well-being.

Can chiropractic care help with conditions other than back and neck pain?

Yes, chiropractic care can provide benefits beyond addressing back and neck pain. Chiropractors are trained to assess and treat various musculoskeletal conditions that can affect the entire body. This includes conditions such as headaches, migraines, joint pain, sciatica, sports injuries, and even certain digestive and respiratory issues. By promoting proper spinal alignment and enhancing nervous system function, chiropractic care can contribute to improved overall health and well-being. To learn more about how chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills, IL can help you achieve your health goals, contact our office today. We look forward to helping you find relief and improved health.

What is family chiropractic care, and how can it benefit my entire family?

Family chiropractic care focuses on providing chiropractic services for individuals of all ages, from infants to seniors. It may promote optimal health and well-being for the entire family by addressing spinal alignment, enhancing nervous system function, and supporting the body's natural healing processes. This type of care can help your family members stay active, vibrant, and healthy. Contact Precise Chiropractic Center to learn more about how our family chiropractic services in Lake in the Hills, IL can benefit you and your loved ones.

How does spinal decompression therapy help with conditions like herniated discs or sciatica?

Spinal decompression is a non-surgical therapy that gently stretches the spine to relieve pressure on the discs and spinal nerves. It may be an effective treatment option for conditions such as herniated discs, sciatica, and degenerative disc disease. By reducing pressure on the discs and nerves, spinal decompression may help reduce pain and inflammation, improve the range of motion, and restore a more natural alignment to the spine. Precise Chiropractic Center offers state-of-the-art spinal decompression equipment that can help you find relief from your chronic pain. Contact us today to learn more about how spinal decompression therapy in Lake in the Hills, IL can benefit your specific needs.

Can chiropractic play a role in maintaining overall wellness?

Absolutely! Chiropractic care can help improve overall wellness by promoting balance in the body. Wellness care, also known as preventative care, emphasizes maintaining good health and preventing health problems before they arise. Chiropractic care is an integral part of wellness care as it may help optimize spinal health, enhance nervous system function, and promote overall well-being. Regular spinal adjustments may help prevent misalignments and maximize joint mobility. This helps improve posture, reduce fatigue, and decrease stress on the spine – all of which can lead to better overall health. Reach out to Precise Chiropractic Center to discover how we can support your journey to optimal health and wellness in Lake in the Hills, IL.

What makes chiropractic care necessary for my health?

Chiropractic care is vital for your health as it takes a holistic approach to address the underlying causes of health issues, going beyond symptom relief. Chiropractors optimize your body's functionality by focusing on the relationship between your spine, joints, muscles, and nervous system. Chiropractic care may improve alignment, alleviate pain, enhance mobility, and promote better posture through targeted adjustments, therapeutic exercises, and personalized care plans. For quality chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills, IL, trust Precise Chiropractic Center. Our dedicated chiropractors provide personalized care and guidance to support your health goals.

How often should I receive chiropractic care?

The frequency of chiropractic care varies based on your specific needs and health goals. Your chiropractor will assess your condition and develop a personalized treatment plan. Initially, more frequent visits may be recommended to address acute issues. As your condition improves, the frequency of visits may decrease. Regular chiropractic check-ups for preventive care are also encouraged. To determine the ideal frequency of visits for your circumstances, consult with the professionals at Precise Chiropractic Center in Lake in the Hills, IL.

How long does it take to experience the benefits of chiropractic care?

The timeline for experiencing the benefits of chiropractic care can vary depending on several factors, including the nature of your condition, your overall health, and your adherence to the recommended treatment plan. Some individuals may experience immediate relief after a single session, while others may require multiple visits for more chronic or complex issues. It's important to remember that healing takes time, and individual responses can vary. Your Lake in the Hills chiropractor will closely monitor your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your treatment plan to ensure you receive the best possible outcomes.

What is SoftWave therapy?

SoftWave therapy is an advanced non-invasive treatment modality that utilizes high-frequency sound waves to stimulate healing and promote tissue regeneration. It is a safe and effective alternative for individuals seeking pain relief and improved mobility without the need for surgery or medication. SoftWave therapy has been used to treat a wide range of conditions, including musculoskeletal injuries, chronic pain, tendonitis, and joint disorders. It may help reduce inflammation, alleviate pain, improve circulation, and enhance tissue regeneration. For more information regarding Softwave Therapy in Lake in Hills, IL, feel free to contact Precise Chiropractic Center.

Is spinal decompression painful?

Spinal decompression is a gentle and non-invasive treatment method that is generally not painful. Many patients find it to be a comfortable and relaxing experience. During spinal decompression therapy, a specialized table or device is used to gently stretch and decompress the spine. While some patients may experience mild stretching or pulling sensations during the treatment, it is typically well-tolerated and does not cause significant pain or discomfort. Your chiropractor will work closely with you to ensure your comfort throughout the session, adjusting the settings and intensity as needed. Schedule a consultation with Precise Chiropractic Center for more information about Spinal Decompression Therapy in Lake in the Hills, IL.

Can chiropractic care help with my neuropathy?

Yes, chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills, IL, can potentially be a part of a comprehensive treatment plan for neuropathy. By correcting spinal misalignments, chiropractic care may help improve nerve function and alleviate symptoms associated with neuropathy such as numbness, tingling, and pain.

Is chiropractic care a safe solution for constipation?

Chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills is considered a safe, drug-free, and non-invasive approach to health concerns, including constipation. It aims to restore optimal body function by correcting spinal misalignments. As always, it's important to discuss your health issues and treatment options with your healthcare provider. At Precise Chiropractic Center, we have a specialist who can help you with constipation issues.

How often would I need to visit a chiropractor for neuropathy treatment?

The frequency of visits depends on your individual needs and the severity of your neuropathy. Some people may benefit from weekly visits, while others might need to see their chiropractor more or less frequently. At Precise Chiropractic Center in Lake in the Hills, IL, we have a chiropractor who will work with you to develop a personalized treatment plan.

How can orthotics enhance the benefits of chiropractic care?

Chiropractic care focuses on optimal spinal alignment for proper nerve function. If your feet, which are the foundation of your body, are misaligned, it can affect your entire body, including your spine. Orthotics in Lake in the Hills, IL,  can help correct foot alignment and contribute to overall body balance, enhancing the benefits of your chiropractic adjustments.

What are the benefits of making chiropractic care a part of my family's lifestyle?

Making chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills a part of your family’s lifestyle has numerous benefits that contribute to overall health and well-being. Some of the advantages include reduced pain, improved mobility, enhanced immune function, better posture, enhanced athletic performance, and overall better nervous system function.

Who can benefit from family chiropractic care?

Family chiropractic care offers benefits to individuals of all ages and walks of life. Infants and children can benefit by addressing developmental issues, colic, and sleep problems. Adolescents and adults find relief from pain, improved posture, enhanced athletic performance, and stress reduction. Seniors experience increased mobility, pain management, and improved overall well-being. Whether seeking preventive care, addressing specific health concerns, or aiming to optimize wellness, family chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills is a versatile approach that can cater to the unique needs of every family member, ensuring a healthier and more balanced life for all.

How do I choose the right chiropractor for my family?

Choosing the right chiropractor for family chiropractic care in Lake in the Hills involves careful consideration and research. Look for licensed chiropractors with experience in family care and a positive reputation. Reading online reviews and seeking recommendations from friends or healthcare professionals can provide valuable insights. Schedule a consultation with potential chiropractors to discuss your family's needs, their approach to treatment, and your comfort level with their communication style. It's important to find a chiropractor who understands your family's health goals, values open communication, and is willing to tailor treatments to suit each family member's unique requirements.

Is chiropractic care a natural approach to managing neuropathy?

Chiropractic care is indeed a natural and holistic approach to managing neuropathy in Lake in the Hills. Chiropractors focus on improving the alignment of the spine and optimizing nervous system function. By ensuring proper spinal alignment, chiropractic adjustments can help alleviate pressure on nerves and enhance nerve communication, potentially leading to reduced neuropathic symptoms such as pain, tingling, and numbness. This drug-free approach aims to support the body's innate ability to heal and function optimally, making it a viable option for those seeking a natural way to manage neuropathy and improve their overall quality of life.

Are there any side effects of chiropractic care for neuropathy?

Chiropractic care for neuropathy in Lake in the Hills is generally safe and well-tolerated, with minimal risk of side effects. Most patients experience mild soreness or slight discomfort after an adjustment, which is temporary and typically fades quickly. Our experienced chiropractors at Precise Chiropractic Care are trained to tailor treatments to the specific needs of individuals with neuropathy, ensuring that adjustments are gentle and appropriate. If you have any concerns or questions about chiropractic care for neuropathy, we encourage you to discuss them with our knowledgeable team during your consultation. Your comfort and well-being are our top priorities.


8:30am - 10:30am
4:00pm - 6:30pm

4:00pm - 6:00pm

8:30am - 10:30am
4:00pm - 6:30pm

4:00pm - 6:00pm

8:30am - 10:30am

8:30am - 10:30am

Precise Chiropractic Center
4581 Princeton Lane Suite 119
Lake in the Hills, IL 60156
(847) 669-6888